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How to say “I love you” in Russian?

ukrainian girls Milena

If you want to know how to impress foreign woman though the internet, you have to learn how to write really good letters! So you have to devote a little of your free time for writing letters! It’s not hard! Now you will see what mistakes are made very often in first letter.

1. Impersonal letter. This letter is written bad, short, and no name in it, no facts from private life, no telling about own interests, place of living. You have to know that all these facts are really interesting and important for Russian woman. Gentlemen you must tell about yourself in interesting form, more facts, and more impressive situations from your life!

2. Standard letters. Nothing special, only standard questions, and poor words about yourself. Remember if you want to be liked by lady, you have to be interested in her personality. Ask her something from her profile, if she has children you should ask her about their names, ages and something like that.

Here are a few the worst patterns you should never use in practice.

“Hi, I want to write letters to you and wait for your answers, so write me a few letters!”

Oh, if you saw the ladies’ faces when they get letters something like yours, how do you think did she feel pleasure from reading your letter? No, she was disappointed, angry. You will receive the answer from that ladies only who want to move abroad as soon as it is possible.

In your first letter you can use some Russian phrases, like:

Privet! Hello! HI!

Dorogaya….. ! Dear!

Mne ponravilas vasha photografiya! I liked your photo!

Ya hochu poznakomitsa s vami po blize. I want to know you more.

Vy ochen krasivaya! You are very beautiful!

Ya mechtayu vstretitsa s vami s the por kak vas uvidel vpervuye! I dream to meet you from that time I saw you here at first time!

Good luck - www.russianwomennow.com!

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