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Important information about online dating you should know!

I want to tell you some facts that Russian dating marriage agencies don’t share with you!

All Russian marriage agencies tell you that Russian women are family oriented and dream only about happy family with wise husband. Many foreign men dream about wonderful family and believe in femininity of Russian women! Foreign men believe in perfect family life from their imagination with Russian woman!

If man believes in happy family with Russian girl in future he can feel some difficulties from his imagination and fantasy. Look at the life with fresh mind, find your true love! It’s not healthy to believe everything from dating agencies, you have a great risk to be disappointed because of your naïve dreams about easier life in perfect family.

Russian dating sites can help you to find a good Russian woman, but any agency can help you to live happy together! It’s not their job, only you and your partner can develop your relations as well, only you can make them last and happy! But, what do you really know about Russian women and what are waiting from her?

I want you to read this, and look at this with critical eye!

Every Russian woman in age from 21 to 25 has a bachelor degree… you can check this to look though their bios in marriage agency! You might be wonder that this is common between all Russian women. Ask yourself how can she have a bachelor degree in such young age? As all Russian marriage agencies tell you that Russian women are family oriented, so… Why every Russian woman spent 4-7 years at the University? Why did she spend a huge part of her life for getting degree if she dreamed only about a good husband and children? Why didn’t she prepare to be a good wife, for example spending time for learning cooking, sewing, child care? She spent so much time for high education, and now dream about family, not about the good career. Yeah…it’s seen to be strange, if no more…

Think over one more question: How many children are in average Russian family? In common American family there are not less than three children, but in Russian family is mostly one child! It’s unusually to see two children in Russian family!

So, as you understand Russian women are not extremely family oriented. Russian women dream about work, and family. But they are very beautiful and sexy. They are ready to be honest with future husband, and stay devoted for family all her life! Find your true love, she is waiting for you! But don’t forget about soul of your future wife! She is a person, kind, smart, clever, and dream, about love and family!

Next article : Russian women are looking for men

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