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Meet beautiful Russian women


I adore the question about perfect appearance of Russian women. I am asked often “Why Russian girls are so beautiful?” In 1997 I got married with western man, and left for another country, there I decided to create a marriage site named: www.russianwomennow.com. I got so many letters from foreign men and all they asked me the same things about Russian girls, why they are like models, are they all real, can’t I be betrayed, about photos in the Internet. But the most questions were about beauty of Russian women. Foreigners couldn’t believe that all that profiles in the website were real, and that ladies were not models, but real Russian women who dreamed to meet western men.

First time I thought about all that questions as about jokes, but soon I realized that guys didn’t have fun, they were too serious about their questions. I knew that girls were real, beautiful, and attractive. But western men couldn’t believe that such pretty women could be still alone!

So, aren’t you scared to meet beautiful Russian women? At first you have to believe that many Russian ladies are really beautiful! And the main reason why they are beautiful is because they want to be beautiful! I am very surprised why western men are so wondered about our ladies. Here all young girls understand that true lady must be elegant. And there is one simple truth, that anyone can look good, if one cares to. Everyone who wants to look better at first has to learn the simplest things how to dress and how to slim down. Beauty means health! If the person is healthy then he or she will be beautiful! If you come to Russia you will meet pretty Russian women right in the streets always with make-up, elegant dress, and slim ones. Maybe not all women are such but majority are. For common our lady is usual great make-up as for you a toothbrush! It can be very seldom for girls to get out without make-up and hair.

So, dear foreign men, don’t be so wonder if in the internet websites you meet such beautiful Russian women. Our girls dress up, do their hair, keep themselves fit, know all latest fashions trends. Their style is elegant and feminine. High hills they wear majority every day. Russian women know if they look bad they will never find a husband or aren’t being able to keep one. This is the first reason why women which you meet online are so beautiful!

The second reason is genetics. Russian women personals have many different features from western ones. Those are genetics features which are common for Russian ladies they are; small nose, round face, plump lips, high cheekbones. All those features are normal standard of beauty for Slavic women.

I hope now you understand that you will meet beautiful Russian women.

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