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Russian teachers

Nowadays, education in Russia plays a crucial role in determining social status in Russia. Those girls, who leave school after nine-year training can find only unskilled jobs. That is why the majority of Russian and Ukrainian ladies have university degrees. Even those smart girls, who complete secondary education, can not hope for a good job, but more often for low-level white-collar work. Most professional and bureaucratic posts require a college or university diploma.

The countries of the former Soviet Union suffered a shortage of teachers for decades before the 1990s. Today the situation has changed radically, because these countries have a sufficient number of professionals able to provide ones with knowledge in many disciplines. Nowadays Russian and Ukrainian societies hold the profession of a teacher in high regard, but as for the salary it is among the lowest of all professions, at least partly. The profession of a teacher is hard emotionally. Some of the specialists, especially the youngest and newly-baked ones, earn less than 150 $! But their jobs are emotionally hard. Have you ever tried to grab the attention of approximately 35 little "monsters" and keep their eyes looking at you and ears listening to what you're talking about within the lesson, whether it is a lesson at school or a lecture at the Institute?

russian teachers

Do you know that the majority of Russian ladies are physicians and teachers? Teachers from Russia are rather sociable and always ready to assist other people, they more often have a good sense of humor. If we turn to the description of a typical Russian or Ukrainian woman, she is a strong lady, who sings ardent praises to family, has a higher education and keeps fit, and the great passion for chocolate is attached, too. Tastefulness let them look very lovely and manicured, and be the great homemakers as well.

You may fairly wonder what such a beautiful and smart lady is doing here. The look of the most of Russian men, weak and dependent, make these ladies leave their country in searches of the reliable life match. The look of the most of Russian men, weak and dependent, make these ladies leave their country in searches of reliable and tender life match. There are plenty of families, where the male partner plays a minor role, as he can not earn money and even take care of himself.

If you treat your meet Russian girls with diligence and love, she will desire to make you a hundred times happier. Who knows, maybe it's a Russian girl, who will become your partner and a cherished wife as well.

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