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Love and obedience

Beauty Ukrainian Brides

You ask me, whether this is all good teaching but what it has in common with love in the family and love itself. The answer is very clear. All the information that I am going to tell you is about love. It happens because love and obedience have been linked together by our Creator. They are two sides of one coin. Love is impossible to exist without obedience. Where there is a lack of love, it appears itself through disobedience. The reason why people do not want to obey and to listen to each other or do it unwillingly because they love and treat themselves and their selfish, sinful desires.

I am asking you, but try to be honest. How can you love your beloved and also hate doing what she says? How can you want to please and to satisfy her and at the same time not to care about her commands and wishes?
I must admit, if you adore and love her, you will not trouble or hurt her. Even the Holy Bible teaches us to be obedient and to respect our darlings. If you love a girl you will keep her commandments.

The Russian or the Ukrainian woman is also seeking for real and sincere love. She is dreaming about the lovely man who will be her protector and guard. Summing up, there is one very important issue to be taken into consideration. We have been talking about obedience but in the same time we are to avoid two huge mistakes. Concerning this matter, with every coming day we should posses the power to obey. We are also not to forget that the main factor for keeping a house is love, but you are also to be aware that this feeling is genuine. Other factors that help us to keep families together are esteem and faith. Everyone in the home must respect the other members because no one is more significant then they.

Be honest and sincere with your lovely Ukrainian or Russian lady and she will answer to your by the same treatment and even better.

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