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Russian women and their foreign husbands

Foreign men are wonder that many Russian young girls have a high education. And the most interesting for men are ladies who in age 23-25 years have a doctor profession. Foreign bridegrooms don’t want to believe that such young russian women can work as a doctors, and often ask the same questions. Maybe you want to ask this question too, do you know how it can be possible for young lady to be a doctor? But, gentlemen, this is possible! You just have to know more about the education system in Russia. I graduated from the medical University, so I can explain you this case! I’ll show you the general picture of medical education in Russia.

Students finish middle school when they are 17 years old; these schools are like high schools in America. Pupils who want to be doctors, next year after finishing school they enter to the Medical University. So from the September their studding starts. Russian Medical Universities have a very strict education system. Students in Russian don’t choose their classes, they follow general schedule for all students at the University. Students visit classes every day for 6 years. Every day classes start at 8 am. And continue till 5 pm. And it’s naturally that students have a lot of homework.

alice like man

When New Year’s Day come students are able to have a rest during 10-14 days, and they also have the longest holiday in summer, one month. Every year students also have got a practice! Practice continues till the August and new studding starts in September.

Students can’t miss classes, if they are ill, or another serious reason, students have to learn missed lessons and tell the teacher all material. If young Russian woman gets married and then pregnant, she must to miss one year studding, it’s call “academic vacation”.

As you see studding at the Medical University is really hard. The first three years of studding have much attrition. A huge number of the first year’s students drop out by the third year.

On the third year studding students can choose disciplines they will study, they are: therapies, gynecology, and ophthalmology. They study now not only at the University, but also at special hospitals. At these hospitals they study practice. After six years studding at the University, all students have to pass government exams.

So a young Russian woman enter to the University at the age of 17, then spend six years at the University, so she will be 23 after finishing studding. In 23 years old she can be called as a doctor. It’s not very different from American system. But now you understand how young Russian women can be doctors.

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