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How can you spend winter holidays with Russian woman?

Winter holidays are very romantic season for spending romantic, unforgotten time with you Russian woman. You might know that winter’s celebration is rather different in your country from Russian and others. So, you must know how do Russian celebrate. I propose you to read about it right now.

New Year’s Eve

For Russian women his celebrate is a fairy-tale. In Russian culture this holiday is the most important, and Russians call it just “New Year”. Russians celebrate this ate like in mostly countries at the night 31st of December. New Year is family holiday; people at Russian celebrate this holiday inside the family and only with the best friends. Celebration begins in the evening, but every housewife has to begin preparation a week before holiday. Everyone thinks how to spend this wonderful day unforgettably, and people ask each other right from the beginning of December what are plans at New Year’s Eve? Children write letters to Ded Moroz, it’s can be translated as Grandfather Frost, in America he is called Santa Clause. In Russian Ded Moroz has got his lovely granddaughter Snegurochka. Many of them you can meet on the streets. For your Russian woman this holiday must be the most romantically. Russian woman hopes for nice present of course. Presents give usually at the 1st of January in the morning in Russian families. Russian girls wait for this moment in the morning, when they wake up and can find a nice package under the New Year’s Tree. Russians believe “How New Year’s Day you meet the same will be all year”. So, just imagine, you meet this holiday together and all next year will be together too.


Russian people celebrate Christmas 7th of January, not like Catholics 25th of December. So, Russians celebrate New Year’s Day, and then Christmas. So, Russian people have got New Year’s Tree, not Christmas tree! New Year and Christmas are official holidays in Russia, but New Year is usually more important holiday and people celebrate it longer. Most people don’t give presents on Christmas day, but they are going to the Church, and 6th of January they have a supper in the evening for the closest people. In this evening must be prepared 12 different dishes, and the most special must be “kutya”. Kutya is a porridge made from the wheat berries, poppy seed, and honey. This dish is a symbol of happiness. You can graduate your Russian lady “S Rozdestvom!” Don’t forget to buy something nice for Christmas for your sweetheart.

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